I’ve worked with dozens of buyers in my career, and the say ugly truth is that most of those buyers never bought a home with me. I’d spend hours driving all over town, bust my butt searching for homes for them, and spend countless hours negotiating contracts and dealing with inspections, financing, surveys, etcetera.
There were times I cried in frustration over the amount of time I’d invest into a buyer… only to have them buy from the listing agent. Other times, I’d spend an entire weekend with a buyer… only for them to buy directly from a new home builder the next weekend.
It hurt....
Then, I’d look at my competition… notice they were easily selling homes… and just feel defeated.
What was wrong with my buyer strategy?
Why weren’t buyers loyal to me?
What wasn’t I good enough for the buyers to be loyal to me?
Why couldn’t the buyers see all the benefits I brought to the table?