Get Our $21 Million Buyer Guide… For Free!
Cover the $7 Shipping Cost, and we’ll ship 10 printed Buyer Guides straight to your front door.
Get Our $21 Million
Buyer Guide…
For Free!
Cover the $7 Shipping Cost,
and we’ll ship 10 printed
Buyer Guides straight to
your front door.

From the desk of Calvin Curry
Atlantic Beach, FL

Have you ever had a buyer betray you?

I have. I remember it like it was yesterday.

“We found the house we’re going to buy. We saw an Open House yesterday, met the listing agent, and made an offer that was accepted.”

Those were the exact words of a buyer I’d been working with for the last 
6 months.

I’d shown them dozens of homes. Invested over a hundred hour into their home search. Submitted several offers that weren’t accepted. Even handled the closing for a house they almost bought, but backed out on at the last minute.

And now I realized that all that time was wasted. I was so discouraged I wanted to quit real estate.
But, I didn’t want to give up that easily. Because I know real estate is an amazing career once you get it to work.
I wanted to get listings. But, I was still so inexperienced that no one wanted to list with me.

Even worse…

No one had told me how disloyal buyers can be.

I’ve worked with dozens of buyers in my career, and the say ugly truth is that most of those buyers never bought a home with me. I’d spend hours driving all over town, bust my butt searching for homes for them, and spend countless hours negotiating contracts and dealing with inspections, financing, surveys, etcetera.

There were times I cried in frustration over the amount of time I’d invest into a buyer… only to have them buy from the listing agent. Other times, I’d spend an entire weekend with a buyer… only for them to buy directly from a new home builder the next weekend.

It hurt....

Then, I’d look at my competition… notice they were easily selling homes… and just feel defeated.

What was wrong with my buyer strategy?

Why weren’t buyers loyal to me?

What wasn’t I good enough for the buyers to be loyal to me?

Why couldn’t the buyers see all the benefits I brought to the table?

Fortunately, this awfully painful phase of my business didn’t last forever. Because shortly afterwards, I discovered the secret to make buyers be loyal to you.

And then I leveraged this secret to build a big buyer team that dominated our local market. Our top agent sold 68 homes her second year in the business, for a gross production of $21 Million.

What was her secret? She used our Buyer Guide to get buyers to be loyal to her.

From the desk of Calvin Curry
Atlantic Beach, FL

Have you ever had a buyer betray you?

I have. I remember it like it was yesterday.

“We found the house we’re going to buy. We saw an Open House yesterday, met the listing agent, and made an offer that was accepted.”

Those were the exact words of a buyer I’d been working with for the last 6 months.

I’d shown them dozens of homes. Invested over a hundred hour into their home search. Submitted several offers that weren’t accepted. Even handled the closing for a house they almost bought, but backed out on at the last minute.

And now I realized that all that time was wasted. I was so discouraged I wanted to quit real estate.

But, I didn’t want to give up that easily. Because I know real estate is an amazing career once you get it to work.

I wanted to get listings. But, I was still so inexperienced that no one wanted to list with me.

Even worse…

No one had told me how disloyal buyers can be.

I’ve worked with dozens of buyers in my career, and the say ugly truth is that most of those buyers never bought a home with me.

I’d spend hours driving all over town, bust my butt searching for homes for them, and spend countless hours negotiating contracts and dealing with inspections, financing, surveys, etcetera.

There were times I cried in frustration over the amount of time I’d invest into a buyer… only to have them buy from the listing agent.

Other times, I’d spend an entire weekend with a buyer… only for them to buy directly from a new home builder the next weekend.

It hurt....

Then, I’d look at my competition… notice they were easily selling homes… and just feel defeated.

What was wrong with my buyer strategy?

Why weren’t buyers loyal to me?

What wasn’t I good enough for the buyers to be loyal to me?

Why couldn’t the buyers see all the benefits I brought to the table?

Fortunately, this awfully painful phase of my business didn’t last forever. Because shortly afterwards, I discovered the secret to make buyers be loyal to you.

And then I leveraged this secret to build a big buyer team that dominated our local market. Our top agent sold 68 homes her second year in the business, for a gross production of $21 Million.

What was her secret? She used our Buyer Guide to get buyers to be loyal to her.

  •  It worked with entry-level buyers buying their first home.
  • ​It worked with move-up buyers looking for a larger home.
  • ​And, it worked with luxury buyers who were buying a mansion.

We were selling so many buyers that every single listing agent in town knew us by name.

And the money started pouring into our team. We grossed almost $2 Million the next year and made some sweet profit.

Even better, this worked for normal agents. Most of the agents on our team were “average” agents who just wanted to help people.
They weren’t slick salespeople. They didn’t know how to “close” buyers or handle objections.

I was curious if our Buyer Guide would work for other agents.
They started using it and got more loyalty from their buyers as a result.
But, I was worried it wouldn’t work for them. Maybe I’d stumbled on some perfect magic combination that made it work for our team, but not for others.

Was it a fluke?

What if it fails and they blame me for wasting their time?

Crud, maybe I shouldn’t have shared it with them at all.

  •  It worked with entry-level buyers buying their first home.
  • ​It worked with move-up buyers looking for a larger home.
  • ​And, it worked with luxury buyers who were buying a mansion.

We were selling so many buyers that every single listing agent in town knew us by name.

And the money started pouring into our team. We grossed almost $2 Million the next year and made some sweet profit.

Even better, this worked for normal agents. Most of the agents on our team were “average” agents who just wanted to help people.

They weren’t slick salespeople. They didn’t know how to “close” buyers or handle objections.

I was curious if our Buyer Guide would work for other agents.

They started using it and got more loyalty from their buyers as a result.

But, I was worried it wouldn’t work for them. Maybe I’d stumbled on some perfect magic combination that made it work for our team, but not for others.

Was it a fluke?

What if it fails and they blame me for wasting their time?

Crud, maybe I shouldn’t have shared it with them at all.

Then I got a text from my agent friend:

“I love the Buyer Guides! They work. Just put a $900K home under contract. Thanks Calvin!”

Whew! Another sigh of relief.

It wasn’t a fluke!

Their results were real. As a result, their buyers saw the value they brought to the table.
They were more loyal, and stopped buying directly from the listing agent or new home builders.

And my agent friends started selling more houses.

It worked for other agents and the agents on our team.

Our top agents used it to sell 68 homes her second year in the business, for a gross production of $21 Million.
That’s why I call it my $21 Million Dollar Buyer Guide. So…

Let me ask you a question.

Then I got a text from my agent friend:

“I love the Buyer Guides! They work. Just put a $900K home under contract. Thanks Calvin!”

Whew! Another sigh of relief.

It wasn’t a fluke!

Their results were real. As a result, their buyers saw the value they brought to the table.

They were more loyal, and stopped buying directly from the listing agent or new home builders.

And my agent friends started selling more houses.

It worked for other agents and the agents on our team.

Our top agents used it to sell 68 homes her second year in the business, for a gross production of $21 Million.

That’s why I call it my $21 Million Dollar Buyer Guide. So…

Let me ask you a question.

Do you believe in the law of sowing and reaping? 
Good karma/bad karma or whatever you want to call it?

I do.

And because of that belief I’ve decided to share these 
Buyer Guides with you and other agents everywhere.

Some people would be concerned to share this because
they think they would just create more competition for themselves. But, I don’t agree.

I believe that if others are successful then I’ll be more successful too.

The Buyer Guide will help you sell more homes, 
and stop wasting time on buyers who aren’t loyal to you.
And I want to be a part of that.

Do you believe in the law of sowing and reaping? Good karma/bad karma or whatever you want to call it?

I do.

And because of that belief I’ve decided to share these Buyer Guides with you and other agents everywhere.

Some people would be concerned to share this because they think they would just create more competition for themselves. But, I don’t agree.

I believe that if others are successful then I’ll be more successful too.

The Buyer Guide will help you sell more homes, and stop wasting time on buyers who aren’t loyal to you. And I want to be a part of that.

It’s super easy to use.

Simply staple your business card to the cover, and it’s ready to go.

You’re probably wondering how you can get access to these Buyer Guides right now.

Or you're wondering how much you’re going to have to invest to get them.

Honestly I should be offering them for $1,000 - $5,000 because it’s so effective.

But I don’t want to make a bunch of money off of them.

So, I’m going to give them to you for free to try out. All you have to do is…

It’s super easy to use.

Simply staple your business card to the cover, and it’s ready to go.

You’re probably wondering how you can get access to these Buyer Guides right now.

Or you're wondering how much you’re going to have to invest to get them.

Honestly I should be offering them for $1,000 - $5,000 because it’s so effective.

But I don’t want to make a bunch of money off of them.

So, I’m going to give them to you for free to try out. All you have to do is…

Simply cover the $7 Shipping & Handling, and I’ll mail 10 Printed Buyers Guides 
straight to your front door.

That way almost any agent can afford to try them out… and sell some more homes. So…

Some people would tell me I’m crazy to give you this for free. And maybe I am a little crazy.

So, I’m going to leave this up for a little while. But, when I’ve decided there’s enough people in, I will take it down.

Don’t delay.

Make this small investment today so you can finally get the loyalty and respect you deserve from the buyers you work with...

  • ​So you can finally start to get the closings YOU DESERVE...
  • So you can finally stop feeling like your Real Estate Business is stuck..
  •  So you can start telling your friends proudly that you’re selling lots of homes…
  •  So you can stop praying that something will change…

Believe me, it feels so good when you’re consistently closing 3-4 homes every month and have plenty of loyal buyers to work with.

And despite what you may think, it’s 100% possible. I know because I’ve experienced it myself.

Simply cover the $7 Shipping & Handling, and I’ll mail 10 Printed Buyers Guides  straight to your front door.

That way almost any agent can afford to try them out… and sell some more homes. So…

Click here to get 10 Printed Buyer Guides for free now.

Some people would tell me I’m crazy to give you this for free. And maybe I am a little crazy.

So, I’m going to leave this up for a little while. But, when I’ve decided there’s enough people in, I will take it down.

Don’t delay.

Make this small investment today so you can finally get the loyalty and respect you deserve from the buyers you work with...

  • ​So you can finally start to get the closings YOU DESERVE...
  • So you can finally stop feeling like your Real Estate Business is stuck..
  • ​So you can start telling your friends proudly that you’re selling lots of homes…
  • ​So you can stop praying that something will change…

Believe me, it feels so good when you’re consistently closing 3-4 homes every month, and have plenty of loyal buyers to work with.

And despite what you may think, it’s 100% possible. I know because I’ve experienced it myself.

If you feel that this is right for you, click the button below to get 10 Printed Buyer Guides for free now...
You won't regret it.

Talk Soon, 

Calvin Curry

If you feel that this is right for you, click the button below to get 10 Printed Buyer Guides for free now...
You won't regret it.

Talk Soon, 

Calvin Curry

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