Tired Of Beating Your Head Against The Wall Cold Calling? Discover A New 2-Step System For Getting Listings Without Cold Calling

Hi, I’m Charles Curry, and I’m on a mission to change the Real Estate Industry. 

It’s time for agents to stop cold calling! (Sellers don’t like it.)

It’s time for agents to stop door knocking. (Homeowners don’t like it.)

It’s time for agents to stop working with buyers and driving them all over town. (We don’t like it!)

Fortunately, a few savvy agents have discovered how to get listings without cold calling.

Because, despite what your broker told you, you actually can get listings without cold calling.

Have you ever noticed that Doctors, Lawyers, CEOs, and other Professionals don’t cold call?

In fact, 99% of all business in America happens without cold calling.

So, if you’re a Realtor who is tired of cold calling, then listen up. Because I’ve got good news for you.

Any agent can get listings without cold calling, door knocking, or chasing sellers.

Tim P.

"I am happy to tell you I am on track to become the #1 agent in my market. I am using your new method to get listings, it just takes me about 5 minutes each morning.

Many sellers are calling me saying, “come list my home". I’m getting most of the listings without even doing a listing presentation."

Tim P.

"I am happy to tell you I am on track to become the #1 agent in my market. I am using your new method to get listings, it just takes me about 5 minutes each morning.

Many sellers are calling me saying, “come list my home". I’m getting most of the listings without even doing a listing presentation."

Here’s how a newbie agent got over $12 Million worth of listings without cold calling, door knocking, or bothering your friends and family. 

I watched this agent get into real estate. He struggled for 3 months to get listings. He was brand new, didn’t know anyone, and had no credibility.

This agent was determined to become a top listing agent fast. So, he started making a ton of cold calls. He pounded the phone day after day with little results.

I worked the next office over and I couldn’t help but overhear what was happening. It was painful. Seller after seller told him they weren’t interested. Some were rude and cussed him out or told him off.

But, he kept calling because he was determined to get results. Unfortunately, that didn’t work. Because here’s the truth.

Real Estate is NOT a numbers game!

I watched this agent make over 500 cold calls with no results. Yes, he tried hard. Yes, he practiced his script, tried new approaches, etc.

But, nothing worked. Not one single seller agreed to meet with him. And that’s when I realized…

Here’s why he was NOT getting appointments:
  • The sellers didn’t know him. 
  • The sellers didn’t know that he’d been a successful, upper level executive at his previous job.
  • The sellers didn’t know he was an amazing problem solver and sharp as a tack.
Because that’s not what matters to sellers. Let’s face it, every seller is looking for the same thing.

Sellers want an agent that will help them reach their goal:

  • Sell their home for top dollar.
  • Sell their home quickly. 
  • Sell their home with minimal hassles and problems. 
  • ​Do all the work for them and make sure everything goes smoothly.

If you can prove to sellers that you are that agent, then you’ll get the listing every time. 

That’s how you get listings - without cold calling. In fact, you’ll actually have sellers call you to list.

So, how do you prove to sellers that you are that agent?

Fortunately, I’ve discovered exactly how to do that. And, I’m going to share it with you now.

Here’s how the Newbie Agent discovered how to prove to sellers that he was the best agent, so he could finally get listings without cold calling.

I was tired of listening to this agent cold call day after day with no results.

So, one day I offered to help him develop a new approach that would work to get listing appointments.

I put together a new, 2-Step System for him to get listings. And surprisingly it didn’t require any cold calling. Here’s what I developed for him:

The New 2-Step No Cold Calling System For Getting Listings Without Cold Calling:

I remembered a Pre-Listing Package I’d used for years to get listings. This Pre-Listing Package always impressed sellers when I met them.

But, then I had an idea. What if this agent sent out the pre-listing package before he met with the seller.

Heck, even before he even called them. It might completely change the game. And, that’s how I came up with the first part of this listing system.

Step 1: Send sellers your Instant Trust Package.
The Instant Trust Package makes you stand out from all the other agents and shows sellers why you’re different.

The agent started sending out his Instant Trust Packages and a week later, he got a listing for $475,000.

These were great results. But, I knew that the standard listing strategy needed a complete upgrade. Which leads to the next step.

Step 2: Follow up with a 60-Day Seller Lead Follow Up Campaign.

Here’s why this is important. 80-90% of all listings are lost because of procrastination.
And I’m not making this up. Microsoft did a study on the importance of follow up in the sales process. Here’s what they found:

Microsoft’s Study on the importance of Follow Up:
Many sellers take weeks or months to list. So, when you follow up, you’re automatically putting yourself in front of 90% of your competition.

So, I built an automated follow up system to follow up on all the leads for this agent. And it worked.

The agent used my new 2-Step No Cold Calling System, and got so many listings that he didn’t even have time to meet with all the sellers.

Most of those listings turned into pendings which turned into nice commission checks.

The results were so amazing that I decided to document everything and share it with other agents. I gave it to a few other agents I knew who were in a different market.

They started using it and got more listings as a result. But, I was worried it wouldn’t work for them. Maybe I’d stumbled on some perfect magic combination that made it work for my friend, but not for others. 

Was it a fluke?

What if it fails and they blame me for wasting their time?

Crud, maybe I shouldn’t have shared it with them at all.

Then I got a text from my agent friend, “I love the Instant Trust Package! It works. I just got a $900K Listing from it. Thanks Charles!”

Whew! Another sigh of relief.

It wasn’t a fluke!

I felt like I had struck gold.

And now I want to share this new 2-Step No Cold Calling Listing System with you. Here’s why. Let me ask you a question.

Do you believe in the law of sowing and reaping? Good karma/bad karma or whatever you want to call it?

I do.

And because of that belief I’ve decided to share this 2-Step No Cold Calling System with you and other Realtors everywhere.

Some people would be concerned to share this because they think they would just create more competition for themselves, but I don’t agree.

I believe that if others are successful then I’ll be more successful too.

This 2-Step No Cold Calling System has the possibility of making a huge impact on the success of Realtors everywhere, and I want to be a part of that.

You’re probably wondering how you can get access to the No Cold Calling System right now.

Or you're wondering how much it’s going to cost.

Honestly I should be selling this for $1,000 - $5,000 because it’s so effective.

But I don’t want to make a bunch of money off of it.

I was going to give it away for free but I’ve given things away for free before and unfortunately almost nobody implemented them.

Therefore I’ve decided to let everyone have it for only $1.99.

I’m sure you’ll agree that this is low enough so everyone can get it, but high enough that people are going to take it seriously, implement it and get results.

But, that’s not all.

I’m also going to give you The Complete Guide To Finding Unlimited Leads.
One of the reasons I got so many listings is because I had access to more leads than anyone else.

Most agents would be shocked at how many great listing leads are available in their market.

We created easy step by step training on how to get access to all these leads for free. Pretty cool right?

And if you don’t have time to research these leads yourself, we’ll show you how to hire an inexpensive freelance assistant to research them for you.

So, that’s everything I’m going to give you. Some people would tell me I’m crazy to give you all this for just $1.99. And maybe I am a little crazy.

So, I’m going to leave this up for a little while. But, when I’ve decided there’s enough people in, I will take it down.

Don’t delay.

Make this small investment today so you can finally start to get more listings...

So you can finally start to get the closings YOU DESERVE...

So you can finally stop feeling like your Real Estate Business is stuck...

So you can start telling your friends proudly that you’re getting listings and selling homes…

So you can stop praying that something will change…

Believe me, it feels so good when you’ve got 20 listings on the board and sellers lining up to call you. And despite what you may think, it’s 100% possible. I know because I’ve experienced it myself.

If you feel that this is right for you, click here to get access to the new 2-Step No Cold Calling Listing System now. You won't regret it.

Talk Soon,
Charles Curry

P.S. Just in case you’re like me, and scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page, here’s the deal.

I’m willing to share my new 2-Step No Cold Calling Listing System with you for just $1.99 - if you agree to give me feedback on it.

All you have to do is click the button above - while this offer is still available to claim it.

Why should you invest $1.99 for this?
Look at Tim’s results.

Tim P.

"I am happy to tell you I am on track to become the #1 agent in my market. I am using your new method to get listings, it just takes me about 5 minutes each morning.

Many sellers are calling me saying, “come list my home". I’m getting most of the listings without even doing a listing presentation."

Tim P.

"I am happy to tell you I am on track to become the #1 agent in my market. I am using your new method to get listings, it just takes me about 5 minutes each morning.

Many sellers are calling me saying, “come list my home". I’m getting most of the listings without even doing a listing presentation."
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